Friday, September 21, 2012

What I've Been Doing

Nora Kathryn was born on August 30. We are enchanted with her. My free time is spent sleeping. Scully also finds that Baby in the house is hard work.


  1. It will get better Stephanie. Even after nearly forty years that picture of new motherhood rings true. Know you enjoyed having your mom with you---and helping! : ) Mrs. Vonier

    1. Hi Mrs. Vonier,
      Mom leaves tomorrow, and I'm a bit terrified. I overheard Nathan telling someone that Mother spends all her time holding the baby, but he left out...and doing all diaper changes, soothing, swaddling, rocking to sleep, laundry, dishes, coffee fixing, and a number of other chores. Tomorrow, I'm on my own! Nora and I will have a big adjustment!

  2. Steph,
    Imagine my surprise when I am surfing the web for some information on shoal bass and I stumble across your blog. I haven't talked to you in 20 years. I think it is amazing that you get to live in Italy even if only for a while. Congratulations on Nora, it will indeed be an awesome journey you are about to embark on. I know raising our 4 year old daughter has really taught me love, patience, humility, and at times I have even learned why some animals eat their young (kidding--really). All kidding aside it truly is an amazing experience and until now I never really understood what people were talking about when they say "they sure grow up fast". Enjoy every moment you can with her, even the ones you think you aren't enjoying. By the way, the blog is great. I haven't seen you in 20 years but I can still picture you making some of these comments. Good luck with Italy and Nora and remember if I can somehow make a descent father I am sure you will be a great mother.

    1. Hey, Travis - Wow! How weird that you came across the blog. Congratulations on your daughter, as well. They definitely capture your heart, don't they, even when it's 4am, and I just want SLEEP. But Nora rewards me with really easy days after she's been a pill. We are enjoying Italy, and more than anything, the easy access to travel outside of Naples. Nora's passport should come in this week, and I just think it's too bad she won't remember all the wonderful adventures she'll have before she's a year old. I'm sure you are a wonderful father, and I imagine your 4 year old must already know how to bait her own hook. It's great to hear from you - S.

  3. Steph,
    Yes they definitely capture your heart – more than I would have ever realized. What is really amazing is how you begin to see yourself in them through some of their mannerisms. You know, you would think she could bait a hook wouldn’t you, but honestly most of my exploits these days revolve around lowering my golf handicap and traveling the country on hunting excursions. Go figure right? I guess after all these years as a fisheries biologist (was there any doubt?) and working with fish every day, I just don’t care to do it much in my free time. She can however hit a golf ball pretty well and call turkeys. If you are interested I would love to show you some pictures of her and see some of Nora. Shoot me an e-mail at or look us up on Facebook under Dallas Roberts Ingram (personally I have never been on that site but Dallas posts pictures there).

    By the way – do you ever hear from any of the old gang that participated in the great FUDD Wars?

  4. Congratulations!!! So happy for you :) Enjoy, enjoy!
